Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My first Elluminate live session!

Hi, everyone at ECMP 455

I am still excited that I was succesfful of logging in to the Elluminate Live session lastnight. This was my first time. I also had a chance to talk to Dean right after the session.

So far I have been reading your blogs. They are all very interesting. You make my learning easier and quicker by providing the links. I feel confident in completing my assighments.

This is my second posting. I feel a bit anxious about my writing. English is my second language. But I look forward to learning from Dean and all you guys.
Here is a photo of my hometown Deschambault Lake, Saskatchewan.


DRS said...

Welcome aboard Katie.

Kubat said...

Hi Katie,
That's cool that you live in Deschambault Lake. I have spent many of Father's Days fishing there with my family! Always a good time and great fish! I love the north! So peaceful and beautiful up there!

Nickster said...

Hi Katie,

What brings you to Regina? school i'd imagine? What year are you in, and what grades well you be teaching?

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie
glad you could take the class. I am enjoying it. I love the peaceful north even if I am scared of water!

Brian said...

Looks like you have a beautiful hometown Katie.